Best Doctors®

You’ve probably heard of Best Doctors – widely known for medical advisory services and second opinions. Best Doctors has been available for individuals and as an add-on for group benefit plans.

Founded by Harvard Medical School physicians in 1989, Best Doctors operates globally from its base in Boston, affiliated with Centers of Excellence around the world. With the help of more than 53,000 medical experts, they help patients navigate the healthcare system ensuring the right decisions and the right care.

My initial opinion of their services was lukewarm: “Brilliant idea, amazing affiliations, people truly need help navigating the healthcare system. BUT…with no money accompanying their advice, the best they can do is confirm or make a diagnosis and suggest a treatment plan. Too bad, so sad: you are sick, here’s how/where to get fixed, now go find the money.”

In the absence of a financial (insurance) component, unfunded advice doesn’t go very far when sick people need expensive medical treatments.

Best Doctors upped their game in Canada recently with the introduction of Global Medical Care (GMC) Insurance, a unique and comprehensive insurance product that combines expert medical advice AND money!

Coverage ranges from $500,000 to $5,000,000 with several deductible options available.

There’s no waiting period and no requirement for a doctor’s referral.

Underwritten by Lloyds of London, it provides up to $5 million of lifetime funding for the finest medical care ANYWHERE in the world, including Canada.

Medical conditions covered range from hip and knee replacement to heart surgery and cancer treatments. Elective surgeries are covered too.

GMC provides access and pays directly for the tests, procedures, scans, specialists, medications and surgeries not available in Canada. It is not a reimbursement policy.

A healthcare ‘concierge’ schedules doctors’ appointments, arranges travel and lodging and makes life easier.

Premiums can be paid with a credit card (attention: points collectors) and you can use your Health spending account (HSA) to deduct the premium cost from income instead of paying with after-tax dollars.

This is a great new product and a perfect complement to Critical Illness Insurance (CI).

CI pays you up to $2 million if you get sick and this new Best Doctors’ insurance product pays up to $5 million (lifetime) for medical treatments and helps patients navigate the system – a powerful combination indeed.

In my opinion this is the best new insurance product to come along in years…and its available now for groups with a minimum of 5 lives, including employee spouses and dependent children.

No medical evidence is required for groups of 10 or more employees.

Please be in touch to get information about Best Doctors or for help with your estate planning and life insurance needs.

Call me toll-free at 1-866-566-2001 or send an email to®

WEALTHinsurance developed from 25 years of experience at

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To learn more simply fill out this form or call us at 416-364-2929 or 1-866-566-2001.

What Our Clients say

"Mark has been helping me with Life Insurance and Critical Illness for over 10 years. Like most people, I find it difficult to deal with these issues and take care of them properly to make sure that my family is safe and secure in the future. My previous experience with life insurance salesmen left me feeling pretty cynical and fearful. Enter Mark Halpern - He has an amazing array of innovative products, he explains things so that you really get it, and absolutely no pressure - I kid you not. On one occasion, he even advised against purchasing a product! Look, the last thing I want to sound like is an infomercial, but for Mark, I will make an exception. Life insurance is critical and you want to deal someone who has knowledge, integrity, and compassion. Mark Halpern is the man."
Dr. L Steiner
Psy.D., Clin. Psych

"I kept hearing the radio ads thinking to myself that I would be silly if I didn't check it out. As a business owner in the auto and equipment leasing business for many years, I realized that if I can't work, my family and I would be in big trouble. So I called Mark and met him in his office. The experience turned out to be exactly what I had hoped for...and more. Mark helped me to see the weaknesses in my planning and got me the right protection programs that I needed for me and my family. I now know that I can go to my office everyday and if anything happens to my health, I will have no worries, which is what it's all about. All I have to do is think about getting healthy and not worrying about the bills. Thanks a million Mark!"
Bob Wilson
Bob Wilson Leasing
Auto & Equipment Leasing

"At Growth Equity Partners, we strive to support small to medium sized private and public companies, execute transformational business initiatives. These initiatives include capital raises, acquisitions, construction of new facilities, management buyouts and other transformational events that happen in the life cycle of the company. As experienced professionals, we see our clients as our partners and invest with the same risk and reward profile as the entrepreneurs we work with.
By practicing what I preach, I too retained an expert to help me execute my estate and family plan. In doing so, I turned to Mark Halpern and for his expert advice and support. Mark successfully guided me through the process from A through Z and has provided my family with peace of mind. Thanks Mark!"
Ken Sweeney, Partner
Growth Equity Partners