Watch Dr. Marius Barnard describe his work as a pioneering heart surgeon and how he developed critical illness insurance. Watch it here.
An integral part of a comprehensive benefits plan
Everyone knows someone who has suffered a serious illness. As public awareness of critical illness has grown, employers and employees are recognizing the value of adding this insurance to their group benefit programs.
A benefits plan plays a critical role in enhancing employees' well-being and building loyalty. Critical illness insurance is not intended to replace other benefits - it is designed to complement them.
Offering CI as part of a benefits plan can help employees protect themselves and their families if they should face a serious illness. They will be better able to access the medical treatment they need and to focus on their recovery without worrying about the financial burden. Employers benefit from improved employee loyalty and productivity and enhanced recognition as an employer of choice.
Giving employees more
There may be a misconception among employers and employees that additional coverage is not necessary given the benefits they already have. However, not all critical illnesses result in a disability claim, nor do all of the costs associated with a serious illness qualify for health benefits. CI can provide an added level of security to help fill any gaps in an overall financial protection plan.
Critical Illness insurance complements disability, life, and health benefits. If employees should suffer a covered illness, they would be paid a one-time, lump sum benefit following a specified survival period and approval of their claim. The benefit is paid regardless of whether they are able to work or what expenses they have incurred. Employees collect the full amount even if they make a full recovery. And, they can use the money any way they want - to seek other treatment, buy specialized equipment or pay down their mortgage.
If your group plan has more than 50 members, our proprietary program may allow us to implement illnessPROTECTION at no additional cost.
Our group plan experts currently help more than 1,500 companies across Canada, managing combined premiums in excess of $250 million.
The sheer volume of our group business will save money for your company immediately without changing your current benefits provider. We can help your company too - please contact us today for your no-obligation consultation.
To learn more simply fill out this form or call us at 416-364-2929 or 1-866-566-2001.
"On behalf of myself, my brother, and our families - thank you for your assistance, sage advice, and care in helping us arrange life insurance, and assisting us with tax/ estate planning. As fellow business owners and fathers, your understanding of the various complexities involved were invaluable. You always left us with the feeling that while you are happy to make a sale, you actually also care. If you ever need us to speak with potential clients about the service and professionalism you provide, we would be happy and honored to do so. Wishing you much continued success in your core business and new product lines."
Ben and Dan Berkovits
The Home Improvement People Inc.
"At Crown Medical Clinic, we strive for the highest standard of healthcare, in a clinic devoted to wellness and prevention. I recognize the importance of financial wellness as well, so I refer interested patients to Mark Halpern for insurance and related financial matters. This satisfies an essential need in us all which, as physicians, we cannot supply."
Dr. W. Ronald Porter, M.B., Ch.B.
Medical Director
Crown Medical Clinic
"My company develops technologies that facilitate intelligent, interactive, state-of-the-art communications solutions. Mark Halpern delivers intelligent, state-of-the-art insurance solutions for me and family. I recommend him highly."
Mark Cohen
TouchLogic Corporation