Long Term Disability Insurance

Disability insurance provides financial protection when an accident or illness causes you to be disabled and unable to work or earn an income.

Disability insurance replaces up to 2/3 of your income if you are unable to work as a result of injury or illness. Benefits are paid monthly and are tax-free, if set up properly. Policies differ on how soon you would collect benefits and for how long. Policies also vary in definitions of disability, whether disability benefits are received if you can't perform the duties of your own occupation, a job in your field, or any job at all.

Long Term Disability Insurance with High Limits:  High income earners can now get coverage of up to $75,000 per month, and sometimes more, in disability benefits.


WEALTHinsurance developed from 25 years of experience at illnessPROTECTION.com.

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To learn more simply fill out this form or call us at 416-364-2929 or 1-866-566-2001.

What Our Clients say

"Mark has been helping me with Life Insurance and Critical Illness for over 10 years. Like most people, I find it difficult to deal with these issues and take care of them properly to make sure that my family is safe and secure in the future. My previous experience with life insurance salesmen left me feeling pretty cynical and fearful. Enter Mark Halpern - He has an amazing array of innovative products, he explains things so that you really get it, and absolutely no pressure - I kid you not. On one occasion, he even advised against purchasing a product! Look, the last thing I want to sound like is an infomercial, but for Mark, I will make an exception. Life insurance is critical and you want to deal someone who has knowledge, integrity, and compassion. Mark Halpern is the man."
Dr. L Steiner
Psy.D., Clin. Psych